we are people who strive to...

Love God

We prioritize God's presence and activity above all else, 
worshiping and honoring Him with our entire being.
(It’s called the greatest commandment)
Presence over Process
While important, we prioritize God's presence over church processes.
We are a people of His presence, giving and receiving love as we seek His loving presence and rest in it.

 We are all -in  
 We give our whole selves in worship, dedicating all that we are to Him.
§  We worship authentically and passionately, true to ourselves and honoring God fully.

Live Like Jesus

We build joyful relationships with everyone,
sustained by sacrificial love, truth, and grace.
(It’s called the golden rule)
Relationship is Everything
  We cultivate Joy-filled relationships.
Connected through hesed love.
Connection before correction.

We Love Wholly in Truth and Grace
  Jesus is our model.
Everyone is loved and welcome.
We love fully and unconditionally, having critical conversations
and bringing healthy correction when needed.
We love wholly in truth and grace.
We are peacemakers, not peace fakers.

Learn From the Holy Spirit

We rely on the inspired Word of God and
the power of the Holy Spirit to
help each othergrow in faith and service.
(It’s called discipleship)

We grow better together
We are multigenerational and multiethnic; everyone is vital to our church family.

 Progress over Perfection
People over programs; we care more about
you than your ministry.
Growing and serving is about taking steps forward in the process of becoming who God created you to be.

Lead Others to New Life

We passionately share the Gospel through our 
words and actions, striving for 
everyone to experience New Life in Christ.
(It’s called the Great Commission)
All in for all, people
Everyone matters.

Everyone Plays a Part
Spreading the Gospel is everyone’s job.
We should all be serving.

 Clarity over Creativity
Sharing the Gospel should be simple, not overcomplicated.

 Everyone has a Story
Allow God to use your testimony.